
Achieving Success with Body-Worn Cameras in Canadian Retail

March 19, 2025

9:55 am

- 10:25 am


Dave Pardoe

Head of Profit Protection

The Works

Ian Cocklin

Customer Success Manager

Reveal Media

Main Session Hall

Body-worn cameras are reshaping how retailers approach safety and security with many uses across retail organizations, from distribution centres to stores. We’ll be joined by David Pardoe, Head of Profit Protection at value retailer The Works in the UK, alongside Ian Cocklin of Reveal Media, a supplier with over 16 years of body-worn video experience, to dig into how retailers need to plan for leveraging this transformative technology. David will share his first-hand experience of body camera deployment, sharing his goals and practical tips, while Ian will speak about navigating privacy concerns and what you need to consider in planning for a successful deployment. Ian will also share further case studies from customers who had varied goals for implementation and their successes.

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